Why seriously?

Do you know a person that is lovely? Will bend over backwards for you at all time, has the most pleasant manner! We all know don’t we?

So why is that it these people that always appeared to be shit on the most in life? I grew up with a girl and her lovely family who unfortunately all the girls died, the eldest being 18 years old. Then a few years later the mum died of cancer. It’s just shit, they were lovely wouldn’t hurt a soul, I ran the marathon in Marian’s memory, It has been over 10 years since she past, but I still miss her and think of her often.

More up to date, I have a new friend, when I say new we have been friendly for the past 2 years. We became friendly through our children. Last year her and her family laid to rest the head of their family. It tore them apart, they had to build back from the bottom, and just as they begin to move forward they find out that the reason the elder died the mum now has. It tore my heart out my chest, and it’s not even my mum. I stood there and watched the life drain from my friends eyes. Everything had started to rebuild. The foundations had been laid bare, why is it that they appeared they have built it on marsh land.


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